Module 1: Introduction to Cybersecurity Quiz Exam Answers Full 100% 2023

This is Module 1: Introduction to Cybersecurity Quiz Exam Answers Full 100% for Cisco SkillsForAll in 2023. All answers has been verified by experts with a simple explanation.

  1. An individual user profile on a social network site is an example of an online identity.

    Answers Explanation & Hints:

    Online identity refers to the persona or image that an individual presents online through various digital media platforms. It includes information about an individual such as their name, profile picture, personal interests, and activities on social media sites. An online identity can be created through various means, such as creating a user profile on social media sites, blogs, or other online platforms. It can also be shaped by an individual’s interactions with others online, including their comments, likes, and shares.

    In contrast, an offline identity refers to the persona or image that an individual presents in face-to-face interactions with others. It includes characteristics such as one’s physical appearance, behavior, speech, and other nonverbal cues. An individual’s offline identity is shaped by their upbringing, education, cultural background, and life experiences.

    Therefore, an individual user profile on a social network site is an example of an online identity, as it represents the digital persona that an individual presents online.

  2. Cybersecurity is the ongoing effort to protect individuals, organizations and governments from digital attacks by protecting networked systems and data from unauthorized use or harm.

    What level of cyber protection does each of the following factors require?

    • Your online identity
    • A customer database
    • Economic stabilty

      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      Your online identity: The level of cyber protection required for an online identity depends on the context and the individual’s perception of risk. For personal online identities, individuals need to take proactive steps to protect their accounts, such as creating strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and avoiding phishing scams. Organizations also need to provide cybersecurity training to their employees and implement measures such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems to protect online identities of their employees and customers. Therefore, both Personal and Organization levels require cyber protection for online identity.

      A customer database: A customer database contains sensitive information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and payment details, and is a prime target for cybercriminals. Therefore, both Personal and Organization levels require cyber protection for customer databases. Organizations need to implement strict access controls, use encryption to protect data in transit and at rest, and regularly monitor their systems for suspicious activity. Governments also need to enforce regulations to ensure that organizations handling sensitive customer data are taking appropriate cybersecurity measures.

      Economic stability: Economic stability is crucial for both governments and organizations, as it affects the overall prosperity of a country or industry. Cyberattacks can disrupt the financial system and cause economic instability. Therefore, the Government level requires cyber protection for economic stability. Governments need to develop and enforce regulations and standards for cybersecurity in critical infrastructure sectors such as finance and energy, and collaborate with other nations to combat cybercrime. Organizations also need to implement cybersecurity measures to protect their financial systems, but the level of protection required may vary depending on the sector and the organization’s size and complexity.

  3. Which of the following pieces of information would be classified as personal data?

    Select three correct answers

    • Social security number
    • Driver license number
    • Date and place of birth
    • Job title
    • IP address
      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      The three pieces of information that would be classified as personal data are:

      1. Social security number
      2. Driver license number
      3. Date and place of birth

      The social security number and driver license number are government-issued identification numbers that are unique to an individual, and therefore, are considered highly sensitive personal data. The date and place of birth can also be used to identify an individual and may be used in combination with other information to steal someone’s identity or perpetrate other types of fraud.

      Job title and IP address are not necessarily considered personal data on their own, as they are more general pieces of information that do not uniquely identify an individual. However, they may be considered personal data in certain contexts, such as when an IP address is linked to other identifying information or when a job title is used to infer other personal characteristics.

  4. Your neighbor tells you that they don’t have an online identity. They have no social media accounts and only use the Internet to browse. Is your neighbor right?

    • Yes
    • No
      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      No, your neighbor is not entirely correct. Even if they do not have any social media accounts, their online activities can still create a digital footprint, which is a collection of data generated by an individual’s online activities. For instance, whenever they use the internet to browse, their IP address and other browsing data are collected by websites and internet service providers. Moreover, they may have online accounts, such as email or banking, which also contribute to their online identity. Therefore, even if your neighbor is not actively maintaining an online presence, they still have an online identity to some extent.

  5. What are the foundational principles for protecting information systems as outlined in the McCumber Cube?

    Choose three correct answers

    • Access
    • Integrity
    • Scalability
    • Availability
    • Confidentiality
    • Intervention
      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      The foundational principles for protecting information systems as outlined in the McCumber Cube are:

      1. Confidentiality
      2. Integrity
      3. Availability

      Confidentiality refers to the protection of information from unauthorized disclosure or access. It ensures that sensitive information is only accessed by authorized individuals and is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.

      Integrity refers to the protection of information from unauthorized modification or destruction. It ensures that information is accurate, complete, and trustworthy.

      Availability refers to the protection of information systems and data from unauthorized disruption or denial of service. It ensures that information and systems are available to authorized users when needed.

      Scalability and Intervention are not foundational principles outlined in the McCumber Cube. Scalability refers to the ability of a system to adapt to changing demands, and intervention refers to the process of taking action to prevent or mitigate security incidents. While important, these concepts are not considered foundational principles in the McCumber Cube.

  6. Which of the following methods can be used to ensure confidentiality of information?

    Choose three correct answers

    • Backup
    • Version control
    • Data encryption
    • File permission settings
    • Two-factor authentication
    • Username ID and password
      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      The three methods that can be used to ensure confidentiality of information are:

      1. Data encryption
      2. Two-factor authentication
      3. Username ID and password

      Data encryption involves encoding information in a way that makes it unreadable to anyone who does not have the decryption key. This helps ensure that sensitive information remains confidential, even if it falls into the wrong hands.

      Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security to login procedures, requiring users to provide a second factor (such as a code sent to their mobile phone) in addition to their username and password. This helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information, even if an attacker manages to obtain a user’s login credentials.

      Username ID and password is a correct method to ensure confidentiality of information. By requiring a username and password to access sensitive information or systems, it limits access to only those who have been granted permission and provides a layer of authentication to verify the identity of the user. This helps to prevent unauthorized access and protect the confidentiality of the information.

  7. Which of the following is a key motivation of a white hat attacker?

    • Taking advantage of any vulnerability for illegal personal gain
    • Fine tuning network devices to improve their performance and efficiency
    • Studying operating systems of various platforms to develop a new system
    • Discovering weaknesses of networks and systems to improve the security level of these systems
      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      The key motivation of a white hat attacker is discovering weaknesses of networks and systems to improve the security level of these systems. White hat attackers are ethical hackers who use their skills and knowledge to identify vulnerabilities in systems and networks with the goal of helping organizations improve their security defenses. Unlike black hat attackers, who engage in malicious activities for personal gain, white hat attackers are motivated by a desire to improve cybersecurity and prevent cybercrime. They work closely with organizations to identify and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

  8. Why might internal security threats cause greater damage to an organization than external security threats?

    • Internal users have better hacking skills
    • Internal users have direct access to the infrastructure devices
    • Internal users can access the organizational data without authentication
    • Internal users can access the infrastructure devices through the Internet
      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      Internal security threats can cause greater damage to an organization than external security threats because internal users have direct access to the organization’s infrastructure devices and data. Unlike external attackers who need to bypass security measures to gain access to sensitive data, internal users already have authorized access to the organization’s systems and data. This makes it easier for them to carry out malicious activities, such as stealing confidential data, modifying or destroying data, or disrupting critical systems. Additionally, internal users may have a better understanding of the organization’s systems and may be able to exploit vulnerabilities more effectively than external attackers. Overall, internal security threats can be more difficult to detect and mitigate, making them a greater risk to organizational security.

  9. Which of the following statements describes cyberwarfare?

    • Cyberwarfare is an attack carried out by a group of script kiddies
    • Cyberwarfare is simulation software for Air Force pilots that allows them to practice under a simulated war scenario
    • Cyberwarfare is a series of personal protective equipment developed for soldiers involved in nuclear war
    • Cyberwarfare is an Internet-based conflict that involves the penetration of information systems of other nations
      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      The statement that describes cyberwarfare is: “Cyberwarfare is an Internet-based conflict that involves the penetration of information systems of other nations.”

      Cyberwarfare involves the use of digital attacks to disrupt or damage the information systems and networks of other nations or organizations. It can be carried out by governments, military organizations, or other groups with the goal of causing harm or gaining a strategic advantage. Cyberwarfare attacks can include tactics such as malware, denial-of-service attacks, and social engineering to gain access to sensitive information or disrupt critical systems. As technology continues to advance, cyberwarfare is becoming an increasingly significant threat to global security.

  10. Can you identify the cyber attacker type from the following descriptions?

    • Make political statements in order to raise awareness about issues that are important to them
    • Gather intelligence or commit sabotage on specific goals on behalf of their government
      state-sponsored attackers
    • Use existing tools on the Internet to launch a cyber attack
      Script kiddies

      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      The first description of cyber attacker type is hacktivists. Hacktivists are individuals or groups who use technology to promote a political or social agenda. They may engage in activities such as defacing websites, disrupting online services, or stealing and releasing sensitive data in order to raise awareness about issues that are important to them.

      The second description of cyber attacker type is likely state-sponsored attackers. These are individuals or groups who are sponsored by a government to gather intelligence or carry out cyberattacks on behalf of their nation. They may target government agencies, military organizations, or other countries to gain access to sensitive information or disrupt critical systems.

      The third description of cyber attacker type is script kiddies. Script kiddies are individuals who use existing tools and software to launch cyberattacks without having the knowledge or skills to create their own exploits. They typically do not have a specific agenda or goal, and may carry out attacks for personal amusement or to impress others.

  11. Can you identify why each of the following organizations might be interested in your online identity?

    • Internet service providers
      They may be legally required to share your online information with government surveillance agencies or authorities
    • Advertisers
      To monitor your online activities and send targeted ads your way
    • Social media platforms
      To gather information based on your online activity, which is then shared with or sold to advertisers for a profit
    • Websites
      To track your activities using cookies in order to provide a more personalized experience

      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      Internet service providers (ISPs) might be interested in your online identity in order to monitor your Internet usage, to ensure that you are not violating any of their terms of service or engaging in illegal activities online.

      Advertisers might be interested in your online identity because it allows them to target you with personalized ads based on your online behavior and interests. They may use information such as your search history, social media activity, and website visits to tailor ads to your specific preferences.

      Social media platforms are interested in your online identity because they rely on user data to provide their services. They may use your personal information and activity on the platform to improve their algorithms, show you targeted ads, and suggest content that they think will be of interest to you.

      Websites may be interested in your online identity in order to personalize your experience on their site. They may use cookies or other tracking technologies to collect information about your browsing habits, and use that information to suggest content or products that they think you will be interested in. Additionally, some websites may require you to create an account and provide personal information in order to access certain features or services.

  12. Which of the following methods is used to check the integrity of data?

    • Backup
    • Hashes or checksums
    • Encryption
    • Authentication
      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      Hashes or checksums are used to check the integrity of data. Hashing is a process of generating a fixed-size string of characters, called a hash, from a piece of data using a mathematical function. The hash is unique to the input data, so any change in the data will result in a different hash value. By comparing the hash values of the original data and the received data, the integrity of the data can be checked. Checksums work similarly to hashes but are typically used to verify the integrity of files.

  13. Stuxnet malware was designed for which primary purpose?

    • To hijack and take control of targeted computers
    • To cause physical damage to equipment controlled by computers
    • To cause serious harm to workers in a nuclear enrichment plant
      Answers Explanation & Hints:

      Stuxnet malware was primarily designed to cause physical damage to equipment controlled by computers, specifically targeting centrifuges used in uranium enrichment programs.

  14. Which of the statements correctly describes cybersecurity?

    • Cybersecurity is the ongoing effort to protect individuals, organizations and governments from digital attacks
    • Cybersecurity is the ongoing effort to protect individuals, organizations and governments from crimes that happen only in cyberspace
    • Cybersecurity is the ongoing effort to protect computers, networks and data from malicious attacks
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